
Today was a low point. I have been struggling with feelings of abandonment, for no particular reason. And I have been rather sad lately. I came to the realization the last Tuesday that if I thought about happy things then I would be nicer, and if I tried to be happier then I would actually be HAPPY. Novel idea, huh?
I was discussing things with a friend today, and we realized that we were too stressed out for it being so early in the school year, and if we didn't curve some of our habits, as soon, we were going to be "dead" (not physically, but mentally) by the end of the semester. Which is not a good thing for either of us to be, since I have another semester and she is leaving for Grad school in December.
Anyway, this seems to happen to me at the end of every summer. It's like a form of the summer blues. Something about coming out of the fog summer left and beginning the grind of the semester that NEVER sets well with me. I'm in a funk.
In order to curb this "funk", my friend I was discussing my issues with and I decided that we were going to try to be better at this... and in our conclusion, we made a list of the necessary approaches we feel needed to be taken:
1. Stop being around people who steal your truth and drain your peace.
It's not worth being around people who stress you out to be around.
2. Stop cussing.
In the past semester I have developed a terrible habit of cussing, it began for no particular reason, except for humors sake, but eventually it turned into something that I do when I rage; Which is unbecoming to say the least. Plus it is not edifying, and it makes me appear ignorant like the hordes of other people who say vomitous things.
3. Find a good Bible study.
Part of our requirement at SEU is that we attend chapel. This semester they are offering an intensive more intimate Bible study as an alternative to the service at in the larger chapel. Tomorrow will be my first day attending that, I cannot lie, I am excited about it.
So here's to endeavoring to make what should already be a fixture in my life actually a part of it.


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