
The book I carry with me:

I have realized that I have a problem. I'm not scared anymore, at least not about school/grades. When I first started college, I was pumped Yeah, 4.0! I must have it but now I have decided that the GPA is just another attempt to categorize us; are you an "A" student? Or a "B" student? It's not like your future employer is going to ask you for your GPA. They care only that you did the time, and that you are not the proud owner of a $75,000 + piece of paper, which says I did the time and I'll be paying for it from now until the end of the age and beyond.
Now mind you, I have done fairly well in my studies, considering the number of classes I've taken, but now that I have taken a semester to study English classes, I find that I a jaded with the whole system... School itself. I would like to think that if I attended a different school that I would feel differently about my education, but that is just me haphazardly wishing that my life would be different.