
The book I carry with me:

I have realized that I have a problem. I'm not scared anymore, at least not about school/grades. When I first started college, I was pumped Yeah, 4.0! I must have it but now I have decided that the GPA is just another attempt to categorize us; are you an "A" student? Or a "B" student? It's not like your future employer is going to ask you for your GPA. They care only that you did the time, and that you are not the proud owner of a $75,000 + piece of paper, which says I did the time and I'll be paying for it from now until the end of the age and beyond.
Now mind you, I have done fairly well in my studies, considering the number of classes I've taken, but now that I have taken a semester to study English classes, I find that I a jaded with the whole system... School itself. I would like to think that if I attended a different school that I would feel differently about my education, but that is just me haphazardly wishing that my life would be different.

1 comment:

The Confetti Monster said...

mmm yes i know what you mean. grades do not carry as much meaning when there are more important things to do, like live. of course we'll always to our best in school, but there's no reason why we must bend over backward to get that coveted 'A' only to discover we've missed out on some really great experiences [but oh the irony of life].

for the most part, i think education in america is quite similar...but perhaps if you venture elsewhere, you will find what you are looking for...