
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Today I attended what has the potential to be my last chapel. Thanks be to God. It was a good chapel to end the year on. As much as I dread going into a packed service. Today was the annual children's chapel, where for an hour we can forget about out troubles, our finals approaching, the eminent, bittersweet goodbyes that will be said in the next few days, and be a kid. We sang song from vacation Bible school and bedtime. You know those songs that make you think of sunscreen, chlorine, new best friends and kool aid. There we were sophisticated, college educated adults shouting and waving our hands like a bunch of 6 year olds. As soon as the first verse was sang ("I am a C, I am a C-H, I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N"), there wasn't a frown in the whole place. Something about those songs that does refresh our soul. Whether it was jumping up and down to "Praise ye the Lord" or waving our finger to "This little light of mine," there a release of emotion, an all to temporary forfeiting of our problems. As soon as we were out the door, we became adults again--with all of our problems, our burdens that we drag along with us, our to dos and not to dos. But it was a nice finale for this semester.


Anonymous said...

oh, charlotte.

I will miss you. but let's not miss each other until the absolute last minute, ok?

Erica said...
