

1. i like to sign my name in lower case letters: charlotte hale.
2. i've had the same quote at the bottom of my email for 2 years: Romans 12:9-13.
3. i don't like to eat soup when i'm alone.
4. i'm terrified about letting people down.
5. i want to move to Oregon
6. i'd never finished a sewing project until 3 weeks ago.
7. when i leave/return to school, i bring only a tenth of my library with me
8. at the moment, my refrigerator is stocked with water, cream cheese, and apple jelly.
9. i like the Bobby Dupea's music
10. when i do laundry at school, i have to have two dryers that are together.
11. i don't like sharp objects.
12. squirrels scare me.
13. i don't mix my food.
14. there's always music playing in my room.
15. when i make to do lists, i put things on there that i've already done, so i can cross them off.
16. i like to drive with barefeet.
17. i have a book of quotes and pictures and drawings that i carry around with me and draw in class.
18. i like old things.
19. i have every paper that i've ever written in folders at home.
20. i'm allergic to cumquats.
21. i don't want to teach.
22. i don't sit in the back of education classes, because i don't want the teacher to call me out.
23. i hate math.
24. when i pull all-nighters, i like to listen to ghetto music.
25. i watch lost, but i really don't like it.
26. i miss pushing daisies.
27. i've never been farther north than south carolina.
28. i can count the number of times i've been to the beach on one hand.
29. i've never seen the pacific ocean.
30, i've never been farther south than st. pete
31. last year was the first time i saw snow white.
32. i've never met anyone with my first name.


katie said...

number 25 disturbs me, we'll have to talk more about this.
but this is a great list :)

Erica said...

Number 15 is so me. I make lists just to calm myself down (any list--even groceries will work) and I am always sure to include things I've already done so I can feel better about my life. I love crossing things off of lists.

Fun list. I like you.